My research addresses urgent needs in public health with the goal of accelerating health equity situated within public health economic analysis and responsiveness.
I published the first ever critical appraisal tool on the use of race in public health research. I have also developed novel research methodologies, new instruments in studying neighborhood health, and cost-effective sampling approaches for researchers and hospitals. My innovative approach and conceptualization of the public health economy serves as a new frontier of public health by synthesizing rich disciplinary knowledge to understand and effect the public health economy. I am proud of the immense research and data gathering that have been used to further health equity in my community of practice. My dashboard aggregated and analyzed public health data, along with housing and economic metrics, and served as a community and legislative resource to show harm to the community arising from urban policy.
I have use student- and community-based teams on a major study on mental health and neighborhood change. I led a four-year internship program. Prior to public health, I had a ten-year career in medical education policy and research.
I have extensive quantitative and qualitative research, including in law and policy. These have extended to history and humanities projects. I give tours and lectures on the Pearl Escape of 1848 and the Southwest community.
Top: Community focus group
Bottom: Microfilm research at the Library of Congress

Critical Race Framework Study
This study fills a major gap in the public health literature and presents a pivotal moment in research.

Legal and Policy Research
Identifying major gaps in government agencies not following the law and in lax legislative oversight.
Highlights: Public Health Research and Data Analysis
First Public Health Critical Appraisal Tool for the Use of Race
Cluster Analysis and Implications for Gentrification Health Research
I used adapted and novel measures to conduct bivariate and cluster analyses on perceptions of neighborhood change and mental health (in press).
Social Media Misinformation
New General Theory of Public Health: The Public Health Economy
Data Dashboarding: A Tool for Public Health Economic Practice
In 2019, I began a neighborhood-based newsletter, Southwest Voice, to cover issues of housing and environmental justice, particularly in the way that they impacted public housing residents. I began aggregating and analyzing data from various research databases and public documents in a central dashboard on the newspaper website. We were able to make a strong case that District-directed planning was harming communities. As part of my role as editor-in-chief, I conducted extensive research for each issue.
Medical Education
I had a ten-year career in medical education administration, research, and policy. Highlights include:
Internal medicine residency program directors’ screening practices and perceptions about recruitment challenges SV Angus, CM Williams, EA Stewart, M Sweet, M Kisielewski, LL Willett. Academic Medicine 95 (4), 582-589
Guidelines for a standardized fellowship letter of recommendation R Alweis, F Collichio, CK Milne, B Dalal, CM Williams, MS Sulistio, et al. The American Journal of Medicine 130 (5), 606-611